End Suction Pumps
Braided packings aren't as effective as Rains-Flo Sealing Systems in pumps.
This is due to the lack of force transfer ability within the stuffing box. Braided packing, when adjusted, will get stuck in the stuffing box over-activating the 2 to 3 rings next to the packing gland. This will allow product leakage to enter into the stuffing box, passing 75% of the packing, and relying on just 25% of the packing to seal off leakage. You can see how the rings are not compressed evenly throughout the stuffing box. These braided packing rings will become hard and dry next to the packing gland, causing excessive leakage and wear.
Rains-Flo Sealing Systems, due to its unique design, will allow the adjustment of the packing gland to activate all the rings in the stuffing box.
With Rains-Flo, sealing performance begins at the base ring of the stuffing box and continues throughout the entire packing mass. Leakage is kept to a minimum, which will reduce packing contamination and shaft/sleeve wear. This translates into less leakage, longer packing life, less downtime and operating costs.
Rains-Flo Sealing Systems are also an excellent choice where flush water and a lantern ring are required to prevent packing contamination.
Since Rains-Flo can transmit gland force to activate all the rings in the stuffing box, the flush water will be directed into the pump, which will accomplish its intended purpose. The superiority of Rains-Flo Sealing Systems for abrasive service is the result of lower leakage rates, better flush control, reduced amount of flush water, longer sleeve and packing life.